Some of you know or are aware of it. I think it is a great reminder
for all of us. It happen to me on my last sailing trip to Guatemala
for Thanksgiving.
Chartplotters and GPS are an aid to navigation. It will never replace
common sense and experiences.
The enclosed pictures show the position of our boat on the chart on my
last trip from Guatemala to Huatulco (Mex).
According to the GPS and chartplotter we are more than 1.2 NM on land
instead of being in the water. The Raymarine E120 and the portable
Garmin got the same error. Not too serious considering that the
difference was in our favor.
It was very confusing when we got closer to the marina despite being
next to a cruising ship terminal. We did apply the following rules and
landed safely.
Rule # 1: never schedule a night landing in a foreign location.
Rule # 2: do not rely solely on your GPS. Use common sense and your eyes.
Rule # 3: Call fellow sailors on your VHF prior to your arrival and
inquire about potential hazards.
Rule # 4: have your depth sounder calibrated.
Rule # 5: between 2 small islands there is a shallow spot. Go around.
It is not a safe short cut.
I left San Jose (Guatemala) and land in Huatulco (Mexico). Very
pleasant sailing surrounded by sea turtle and schools of dolphins.